August 18, 2011

Julie & Julia

I am thankful for the movie, Julie & Julia.  Sometimes, all we need is  inspiration to get things started or to get things done.

One of my high school friends encouraged me to blog again.  Yeah baby, there's someone in this world who believes in me :)  and I will always be grateful for that.  She told me to watch the movie for me to be inspired in blogging again.  And she's right! After watching the movie, I instantly typed on the address bar "" and signed up for a blogger account again.  Let me show you the trailer to give you an idea why....

its because...."I CAN WRITE A BLOG.  I HAVE THOUGHTS!"


My gratitude blog started when my life was on a huge mess - I broke up with a boyfriend, I left the country and I almost lost my job.  And with the simple appreciation to a simple thing I had proven that it can make a big difference.  If you can appreciate simple things even if when your life was on a mess, joy and laughter will come into your life and to the lives of people around you.

I once read a book that if you have a big fight with someone with whom you love so much, try to get a piece of paper and a pen.  List down all the things that you appreciate about the person and you'll see, sooner or later everything will be fine again.

For me, "MY THOUGHTS" are my simple way of saying thank you to anyone or anything I encounter in my daily life.  How about you, what are your THOUGHTS? :)

The Original, Julia Child  at The French Chef 

 Are you Mister or Little Miss Chef?  Join my Hello World, This Is Me! Giveaway and you might get The Perfect White Shirt for free! 


  1. i love this film! followed u too dear:))


  2. yes, super touching din..

    thanks for following! followed you as well :)
